Terms & Conditions



These general conditions of use of Rental Ninja (hereinafter, "General Conditions") regulate the use and access to the mobile application and the web site (hereinafter, the "Platform"), owned by Rental Ninja, S.L. (hereinafter, "Rental Ninja", the "Company", "We" and / or "We" without distinction).

The acceptance of these General Conditions implies a binding contractual relationship between you (hereinafter, "You" and "User" indistinctly) and Rental Ninja.

Access to the Platform implies knowledge and acceptance of the following General Conditions.


The following identifying data of the owner of the Platform are shown:


Rental Ninja is a multi-platform and multilingual software product whose purpose is to be an Administration Tool for Rental Businesses.

The Platform provides access to the Bookings information, allowing the User to add and modify certain things (depending on its role and permissions).

In addition, there are a number of Services that help the Rental managers to improve their performance in the business. The aim is to provide the Rental Team with a tool that allows them to work in a synchronized and organized manner and that enables them to keep the operational information of the business actualized and handy.


Rental Ninja offers different plans that will provide access to different Services of Rental Ninja, such as, accounting, guess managing, team and task management, among others. The price plan may vary according to different parameters such as the number of Rentals synchronized with Rental Ninja, among others. In any case, the conditions and the price of such plans will be shown to the purchaser in a clear manner and before hiring the service. In addition, the plan's name will be shown in the related invoices.

The payment of the Rental Ninja Services works on a Subscription paid in advance. The Teams have to subscribe to one of Rental Ninja's plans. In particular, this action can be done by someone in the Rental Ninja Team with a role that provides access to manage the Subscription. However, Rental Ninja will consider that the final responsible for such action is the Team Owner, who created the Rental Ninja Team Account. The Team Owner's email will be bonded to the Subscription and the payment will be managed through the payment processing provider.

See our help center to know about which roles provide access to modify something from a Subscription: https://help.rental-ninja.com/en/articles/4924155-roles-access-permissions.

The renewal of the Subscription will be the day that the Subscription has been created and, in consequence, the Billing Period will start. At the end of the Billing Period, the Subscription will automatically be renewed for the same Billing Period until explicitly canceled by someone in the Team.

The Customer acknowledges that Rental Ninja will not send him a notice before the Subscription term is renewed and that it is the Customer’s responsibility to cancel the Subscription with Rental Ninja if the Customer no longer wishes to receive the Services.

Rental Ninja may also offer, month by month, additional Services that will be added to the Subscription. Those Services will always be added only under the User authorization, who will be warned in a clear way about the extra cost.


The User is responsible for the activities carried out from his account. Rental Ninja is the software supplier only, and is not responsible for any change done or not done in an account. Rental Ninja helps the users with their accounts to provide a better service, but they must ensure the changes are according to their needs.

The user must inform Rental Ninja, through the email address, info@rental-ninja.com, without delay if he suspects that his account could have been compromised.

Use of Rental Ninja for activities contrary to the law or these rules is prohibited. The same applies to any behavior and any action that may prejudice the proper functioning of Rental Ninja, directly or indirectly.

Rental Ninja reserves the right, without notice, to limit, deny access to an account, close an account, remove or edit content if the User violates applicable laws, Terms of Use or any other terms, conditions or guidelines.

Any User shall not "resell" or make available to a third party and / or other Users, for consideration and / or free of charge, access to Rental Ninja and the Services without written permission from an authorized person from Rental Ninja.

The following behaviors and / or actions, will be prohibited, including but not limited to:

Users declare and warrant that all information provided when submitting properties or joining Rental Ninja is accurate and up-to-date in all material respects on the date it is provided or, date to which they relate. Users must at all times ensure that their personal data (forenames, names, addresses, company name, telephone numbers, email addresses) are accurate and up-to-date; otherwise, the Rental Ninja service may not be provided to them. Rental Ninja will not be held liable in any way as to this regard.

For a proper provision of the service, Rental Ninja may send notifications and communications to the User (without including commercial communications) through the email address provided for this effect. In consequence, User agrees to receive such notifications and communications.

In the event of violation of the conditions of access to Rental Ninja and use of the Services offered on the Platform, Rental Ninja reserves the right to suspend access to Rental Ninja and use of the Services to those Users.


In the event of unavailability of the Services, Rental Ninja will ensure the proper safeguarding of the rights of the Users in relation to the proceedings in progress, as well as the maintenance of fairness between the parties.

Rental Ninja does not control the authenticity of the contents of the Users' profiles, does not verify the accuracy of the information they provide in their descriptions, nor does it carry out criminal background checks on its Users. Likewise, Rental Ninja is not responsible for the authenticity, accuracy, reliability, legality or non-violation of rights of third parties by Users. In this sense, the Users state that they understand that Rental Ninja is an independent company that makes the Platform available to them, and that it does not assume any responsibility derived from the information provided by the Users, nor for the damages or losses that could possibly be suffered by third parties by the breach of these General Conditions by Users.

Users are fully responsible for the access and correct use of their account in Rental Ninja and other content of the Platform subject to current legislation, submitted by the User, whether national or international, as well as the principles of good faith, moral, generally accepted customs and public order. Specifically, they acquire the commitment to diligently observe and comply with these General Conditions.

Rental Ninja SL will not be responsible for any illegal activity carried out by its providers with the information uploaded by the User.

Rental Ninja SL will also not be responsible for any damage caused to any physical or legal person whatsoever because of the use of information taken from any of the providers described below without the authorization of Rental Ninja SL.

In addition to the foregoing, and to the extent permitted by law and except as provided in these General Conditions, under no circumstances will Rental Ninja be liable for personal, accidental, special, direct or indirect damages, including , without limitation, damages for loss of profits, loss or non-obtainment of employment, loss of data, interruption of the business or any other commercial damage or loss, related to the use or impossibility of using the Platform, regardless of the cause, independently of the liability theory (contractual or extra-contractual or of any other).


When purchasing the product via (https://app.rental-ninja.com/), your payment details will be delivered to the payment processing provider with the only objective of making the payment to Rental Ninja.

Rental Ninja reserves the right to cancel any Subscription to the Rental Ninja Services after some failed attempts of payment requests to the customer. Nonetheless, Rental Ninja will contact the User before cancelling the Subscriptions to try to resolve the incidence.

Payments made for subscriptions are not refundable, so that in case of termination of the subscriptions, the User will continue to enjoy the service until the end of the subscription period purchased by him/her and always, the User has informed about the cancellation of the account.


The contents related to trademarks, domains, logos, drawings or documentation, including, software, computer programs, or any element that may be susceptible of protection by the Intellectual or Industrial Property legislation, that may be of access of the Users, are property of Rental Ninja and all rights of use over them are expressly reserved.

You may use such material only in the manner in which Rental Ninja expressly authorizes it.

Any misuse of the Service or breach of obligations by the User may result, at the discretion of Rental Ninja, in the cancellation of the account, or suspension of the Service until the incident is resolved, if applicable.

Likewise, the User undertakes not to remove, delete, alter, manipulate or in any way modify:

The User acknowledges that by virtue of these General Conditions, Rental Ninja does not assign or transfer to him/her any right over its Intellectual and / or Industrial Property titles, or over any third party properties. Rental Ninja only authorizes the User to access and use them in accordance with the terms indicated in these General Conditions.

The User is not authorized to copy, distribute (including e-mails and Internet), transmit, communicate, modify, alter, transform, assign or, in any other way display activities that entail the commercial use of Intellectual Property rights and / or Intellectual, whether partial or total, without the express consent, granted in writing, of the legitimate owner of the exploitation rights.

The access and use of thePlatform will always be done and in any case for strictly personal and non-commercial purposes, unless expressly agreed by Rental Ninja.

Rental Ninja reserves all the rights of Industrial and / or Intellectual Property that correspond to it.

Rental Ninja does not grant any other license or authorization of use to the User on his rights of Intellectual Property and Industrial Property other than that expressly detailed in this clause.

Rental Ninja reserves the right to resolve or modify at any time and for any reason, the licenses granted under these General Conditions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Rental Ninja may take legal action against any use by the User that:

Rental Ninja may contain hypertext links to other sites on the Internet.

Links to these other sources will make the User go to a different website or Platform from Rental Ninja.

These terms allow somebody to create a link pointing to any of the Rental Ninja websites or Platforms.

However, Rental Ninja reserves the right to request the deletion of a link that is considered to be inconsistent with the purpose of Rental Ninja.


In general terms, in the event needing to cancel a Subscription, the Team Owner will be responsible of such action. However, this action can also be performed by other Users from the Team according to the permissions of their role. Thus, the Team Owner will be responsible of doing such action or asking someone of the Team to do so.

To Cancel the Subscription, the Team Owner must request by email to info@rental-ninja.com, the cancellation of his Subscription to avoid it's automatic renewal. Such communication, will be sent from the email account of the Team Owner, who owns the Rental Ninja Team and it's related payed Subscription.

This is in order to ensure that the request is done from the real owner of the Rental Ninja Subscription. Any cancellation issued via email must be done five (5) days prior to the end of the Billing Period, to allow for adequate processing time.

Once a Subscription is canceled, the automatic payments will be stopped. Therefore, Rental Ninja will not be able to process a new payment to that User unless the User has a pending debt with Rental Ninja.

Payments for Services that are canceled at Customer’s request or someone in the Team, prior to the end of the Billing Period, are not subject to a refund. However, the users of the Team will be able to continue using Rental Ninja according to the Subscription paid until the end of the Billing Period.


Deletion of a User's account or a Rental Team account is carried out by written request, signed manually, sent by registered mail to Rental Ninja (info@rental-ninja.com), with a copy of the User's identity card. If it's the Rental Team account what wants to be deleted, the identity card must be from the Team Owner. Deleting the User's or Team's account terminates the existence of the account in the Rental Ninja database.

Removing the User's account has no effect on:

In the event of removing a Team's account, all data related to that Team will be deleted, including but not only Bookings information, Rentals information, Team users and guests hosted.


In the event of any claim and / or incident attributable to Rental Ninja related to the Service, the Company has a claim procedure that is initiated through the e-mail address info@rental-ninja.com. Once this communication has been initiated, the Company will work together with the User to gather the necessary information about their claim and / or incident.


Should a provision of the Terms & Conditions be void or otherwise unenforceable, irrespective of the cause, the validity or the other provisions of the Terms & Conditions shall not be affected.


The non-enforcement of a right shall not be construed as a waiver of that right. The non-enforcement by Rental Ninja of a right in a specific case does not prevent Rental Ninja from enforcing that right in another case.


Any user may exercise his/her rights or contact Rental Ninja by email at info@rental-ninja.com or by post at the following address:

Rental Ninja SL
Sant Pere Més Alt 66, local 1- 08003 Barcelona- Spain


Rental Ninja reserves the right to modify this Conditions document at any time. In case of any change to the Conditions, these will be published in the Platform and the date of its publication will be indicated, so that the User knows the date in which said modification has been made effective. In any case, Users will receive a notification through electronic means about updating the Terms of Use of Rental Ninja prior to its publication in the Platform.

Publication Date: 1st of October 2020